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The licei

The licei are aimed at obtaining an upper secondary education diploma and constitute part of the upper secondary education system as an articulation of the second cycle of the education and training system referred to in Article 1 of Legislative Decree No. 226 of October 17, 2005, as amended. The licei adopt the student's educational, cultural and professional profile at the conclusion of the second cycle of the education and training system.
Liceal pathways provide students with the cultural and methodological tools for a thorough understanding of reality, so that they can place themselves, with a rational, creative, planning and critical attitude, in front of situations, phenomena and problems, and acquire knowledge, skills and competencies consistent with personal abilities and choices and appropriate for the pursuit of higher-order studies, insertion in social life and the world of work.
Liceal pathways have a five-year duration. They are developed in two two-year periods and a fifth year that completes the disciplinary path. The paths realize the educational, cultural and professional profile of the student at the conclusion of the second cycle of the educational system of education and training for the high school system.

  1. Artistic high school
  2. Classical high school
  3. Linguistic high school
  4. Musical and choreographic high school
  5. Scientific high school applied sciences option

Technical high schools

Technical high schools offer a limited number of broad courses of study, linked to sectors that are fundamental to the economic and productive development of the country.

The Vocational Institutes

The Vocational Institutes from the 2018/19 school year offer eleven courses of study, a new organizational and educational model, enhanced laboratory activities. They train students in strategic arts, trades and professions for the country's economy. Concurrently with the activation of the new vocational institutes, for the second, third, fourth, and fifth grades, the previous curricula are active until the completion of the five-year course in 2022.


  • Artistic high school
  • Classical high school
  • Linguistic high school
  • Music and choreographic high school
  • Scientific high school
  • Scientific high school - applied sciences option
  • Scientific high school - section a sports address
  • Humanities High School
  • Humanities High School - economic and social option
  • Technical Institutes
  • Professional Institutes
  • Pre-Reformation Vocational Institutes
  • Vocational Education and Training
Number of schools:
API name
scuola sec. secondo grado non statale