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Santa Lucia

Type of institution
School type and education level
Viale delle Mimose, 1

Age Stats

Year Course Age Total
202122 1 14 anni 3
202122 1 15 anni 1
202122 1 < di 14 anni 1
202122 2 15 anni 4
202122 2 17 anni 1
202122 3 15 anni 1
202122 3 16 anni 4
202122 4 16 anni 2
202122 4 17 anni 7
202122 4 18 anni 1
202122 5 18 anni 14
202122 5 > di 18 anni 12

Citizenship Stats

Year Course Total Italians Non Italians Europeans Non Europeans
202122 1 5 5 0 0 0
202122 2 5 5 0 0 0
202122 3 5 5 0 0 0
202122 4 10 10 0 0 0
202122 5 26 25 1 0 1

Gender Stats

Year Course Classes Men Women
202122 1 1 3 2
202122 2 1 1 4
202122 3 1 2 3
202122 4 1 4 6
202122 5 2 11 15

Schools nearby

Plesso Smaldone

Salita Scudillo, 10
Lower Secondary School
For the deaf and dumb