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The school has demonstrated good academic performance, with a higher percentage of students admitted to the next year than the national average and a lower dropout rate. The percentage of transfer students is in line with the national average. In addition, the percentage of students suspended for school debts is lower than the national average.
Results in national standardized tests show interclass variability below regional and national benchmarks. Students acquire optimal levels in social and civic, digital and language skills. The percentage of graduates who are working is above the regional average and in line with the national average. The school has its own curriculum, with defined competency profiles for the various disciplines and course years.
The learning environment is well organized and responsive to students' needs. Activities for students with special educational needs are numerous and effective. Orientation activities are well structured and ample information is given through the school's website, social platforms and printed information materials. The school has a clear mission and vision, with responsibilities and tasks of the different school components efficiently identified.
The school collects the training needs of teachers and ATA staff and implements good quality training initiatives. The school participates in network agreements with other educational institutions and enters into agreements with public and private companies in the area, which enable the conduct of training internships for students.